Join the Salary Survey

  • two editions of the salary survey – autumn/winter 2024 and spring/summer 2025
  • 41 HR indicators
  • analyzes and comparisons (e.g. comparatio)

10 000 PLN + VAT

10 000 PLN + VAT

Join the Salary Survey

  • dwie edycje raportu – wiosna/lato 2024 oraz jesień/zima 2024
  • 41 HR indicators
  • analyzes and comparisons (e.g. comparatio)

Buy a Salary Survey

  • spring/summer 2024 edition
  • 423 job positions
  • 979 companies

15 000 PLN + VAT

14 000 PLN + VAT

Buy a Salary Survey

  • autumn/winter edition 2023
  • 392 job positions
  • 843 companies

Take a look at the report

By purchasing Sedlak & Sedlak Salary Surveys, you get access to the platform, where you will quickly find clear data and access to the generator of detailed analyzes.

Check out the demo version
Sedlak & Sedlak Salary Surveys
  • information on salaries for 423 positions from over 374,000 employees
  • data from 979 companies from all over Poland
  • he latest data collected from February to April
  • division into 21 departments and 84 job families
  • analyzes for 9 compensation types
  • reliable data reported by companies
Download list of job positions
What will you find in Salary Surveys?
  • salaries in companies of various sizes, from different regions, etc.
  • level of implemented salary increases
  • level of planned salary increases
  • benefits offered on job positions
  • information on compensation practices
Get list of participants
What does the application allow?
  • access to the most current market data
  • comparing employees salaries to the market
  • quick search
  • identification of overpaid and underpaid job positions
  • observe compensation and benefits changes
  • exporting data to Excel and PDF files
Check out the demo version
Types of Salary Surveys

Reports are sold in a comprehensive version - containing all available information on pay rates - or in a detailed version for individual industries/sectors/regions.

List of reports Regular price Discounted price
(for companies participating in the survey)
Comprehensive Salary Survey 15 000 PLN Buy now 10 000 PLN
Salary Survey for IT industry 12 000 PLN Buy now 8 000 PLN
Salary Survey for manufacturing companies 12 000 PLN Buy now 8 000 PLN
Salary Survey for trade companies 12 000 PLN Buy now 8 000 PLN
Salary Survey for services companies 12 000 PLN Buy now 8 000 PLN

Reduced prices are available only after data submission to the autumn/winter 2024 and spring/summer 2025 Salary Surveys.
Details available at the consultant

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